a) Trust and Techniques
Keywords: safety words, boundaries, opt-in/opt-out
Focus: Participants learn meta-techniques and how to trust each other.
Sirius 11F84 - Colors of Light
Experimental Edu-Larp
Keywords: safety words, boundaries, opt-in/opt-out
Focus: Participants learn meta-techniques and how to trust each other.
Target: everyone
Place: Messhall
Responsible: Someone
The first exercises together are meant to create trust between the participants and offer them space to learn the basic meta-techniques. This part of the workshop is about creating a safe space for everyone. Game mechanics and rules, such as energy balance, will be explained later in the group exercises or interludes.
Explain to the participants the two signal words “brake” and “cut” and how to escalate in a safe way. These signal words or safety words should help everyone to be brave in their play. It is important to trust each other so that everyone will use the signal words.
20 min
The participants now practise an escalation once, which they are to de-escalate with the help of “brake”. Form pairs who take turns playing the roles. Ask them to act out the following scene:
What kind of scene?
The safety words directly change the flow of the game. If participants feel that they have (almost) crossed their boundaries but do not want to influence the others’ play, they can also calibrate more discreetly. Explain how the “crossing-out” and “By the colours of the light…” techniques work. Give some practical examples of the “By the colours…” rule and have all participants practise it once in pairs.
15 min
How close can someone else get to me during the game? Is a touch on the arm ok? Is a hug ok? Have the players line up on one side of the room for each of these questions, with one side indicating approval and the other disapproval. The lowest common denominator applies to the whole larp.
15 min
Then ask all participants to express their Lines & Veils. A Line is something that should never be brought up or played out within the larp, while a Veil ensures that an action or event takes place, but rather “off-screen.” That is, it may be mentioned in passing but not played out in detail as an essential part of the plot. As there may be very personal reasons for Lines & Veils, ask participants to write their Lines & Veils on slips of paper (provided beforehand) and put them in a collection box (approx. 5 min). Then read out the Lines & Veils without comment.
Finally, refer all participants again to the out-of-game room and the organisers’ room as places of retreat or where you can find someone you can confide in. Leave room for questions.
10 min
Irgendwelche Vorschläge für die erste Vertrauensübung?
Ich habe es noch einmal ein bisschen umgeschrieben. Jetzt fehlt eine Idee für eine Übungsszene, die deeskaliert werden sollte. Sollen wir noch ein nonverbales Signal einführen für die Deeskalation? Beide Hände hoch? Faust auf den Kopf?