b) Introduction Terrans

Keywords: background, relationships and missions
Focus: Terrans practice getting into their characters and missions.

Target: Terra PCs + NPCs

Place: Ludothek

Responsible: Caro


Start with the introduction to the recent history of Earth and the public mission of the Terra delegation. Then move on to character play in general, attitudes, secret missions and goals. Finally, let the characters get to know each other a little better and play out relationships.

10 min

Character play

What does the stuff mean that is written on the character sheet? Explain, especially to first-timers, how the character descriptions provide a framework but should not be seen as a corset. If needed, practice scenes in which participants first act as themselves, then try to act as their character. Possible scenes:

  • Job interview
  • Buying coffee in a hurry
  • MORE??

25 min


Briefly explain how the Attitudes work: A first guide to how they can put themselves in their characters’ shoes. Something can happen in the game that makes an optimistic character hesitate and vice versa. They can think of Attitudes as a safety net: If they don’t know exactly how to react in a situation, they can at least act aggressively or cautiously.

15 min


Ask everyone to read their secret missions or goals and think about how they would theoretically approach them. If there are questions, ask the players to talk to you individually.

10 min


1 x positiv, 1 x neutral, 1 x negativ über Karten… Das fand bei dem Exploria 1920er Larp Anwendung: Man hat ne Karte gezogen und hat sich dann paarweise eine Hintergrundgeschichte dazu ausgedacht (z.B. ihr kennt euch seit Schultagen oder so).

30 min

1 comment

  1. Bei den Schlüsselszenen ist eigentlich noch viel Zeit für die Terraner*innen, da es da nicht so viel für sie zu proben gibt. Den Beziehungsworkshop dahin verlegen?

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