Scene 2-2
New-Orea Grand Tour, Redux: The Oreans ask the Terrans to repeat the previous day. The Terrans learn that something untoward is happening.
Moods: confusion, unease
Characters: Terran & Orean (G)PCs
Sirius 11F84 - Colors of Light
Experimental Edu-Larp
New-Orea Grand Tour, Redux: The Oreans ask the Terrans to repeat the previous day. The Terrans learn that something untoward is happening.
Moods: confusion, unease
Characters: Terran & Orean (G)PCs
The Oreans ask the Terrans to repeat the previous day. While doing so, the Terrans increasingly feel hungry and tired but also learn that something untoward is happening.
Location & Props:
Laboratory 1 (Terrans) / Messhall (Oreans);
Couch, armchairs, chairs / starry sky
Bridge (Terrans, 2 Oreans)
10 white/flawed masks, tables or something similar as a tray
Laboratory 2, Laboratory 3, Laboratory 4
Arts, crafts, music utensils
What happens?
Lima–Wadhra comes to the Terrans and apologizes (again) for the incarceration. They then guide the Terrans to the Maskroom (Bridge) and ask them to each pick one.
In the meantime, the other Oreans in the Messhall discuss (again) and decide on an order of presentations, which Makers should be the first to test the Terrans, who the last.
Once the Terrans have chosen masks, they are introduced to the other Oreans (again). If they voice confusion, that they had been introduced before, Lima-Wadhra explains that for the test to count as real, it has to be repeated.
Lima-Wadhra announces that their test will now begin, and the first group of Makers steps up.
Each group of Makers takes roughly 5 minutes to demonstrate their art. Then they give the Terrans an equal amount of time — already evaluating them while engaging in the art (booing or encouraging, depending on how they approach the task vis-a-vis the Orean values).
If not all Terrans engage in art making, some of them may seek out Oreans to talk about things related to their individual missions. All Terrans will continue feeling hungry, thirsty, and tired. If they talk about this to the Oreans, those with a welcoming attitude will express concern.
The Terrans should notice that one Orean pair (Soru–Keru, NPC) is missing. When asked about this, the other Oreans seem bewildered and do not know what they mean. Still, after a while, they realize that something is amiss.
Once all Maker groups have finished their test, the Terrans are sent back to their room, or Lima-Wadhra brings them there.
Learning Objective/Bleed-Out:
[what understanding is to be gained in the scene?]